Lady questions karma, laments cheating father’s happy marriage with new wife
Posted by badgeBusayo on 0

A South African lady has openly condemned the concept of karma, expressing her frustration at how her father has managed to maintain 10 years of a seemingly happy marriage with the woman he cheated on her mother with. Her emotional post, which she shared on social media, has sparked conversations and resonated with many who have experienced similar situations or have strong opinions about karma and its workings.

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Posting under the handle @ipentshisilabby, the woman detailed the circumstances surrounding her parents’ divorce, explaining that her father had been unfaithful to her mother during one of the most vulnerable periods of her life. She revealed that while her mother was grieving the loss of her own mother, her father betrayed their marriage, leading to the eventual breakdown of their relationship. Despite the emotional turmoil her mother went through, her father has since moved on and married the woman with whom he had the affair.

In her tweet, she expressed her deep frustration and bewilderment at how things have unfolded over the past decade. Her father and the woman he cheated with have now been happily married for 10 years, seemingly untouched by any negative consequences for their actions. This stark contrast between her mother’s pain and her father’s happiness has led the lady to question the widely-held belief in karma—that what goes around comes around.

Her tweet has resonated with a wide audience, with many users engaging in the conversation, sharing their own thoughts and experiences on the matter. Some have echoed her sentiments, questioning whether karma truly operates in the way many expect it to, especially in cases where those who have caused pain seem to go on to live happy, consequence-free lives.

She poignantly wrote, “Ten years later, my dad is still happily married to the woman he cheated on my mom with, while my mom was mourning the death of her mother. Sometimes karma doesn’t know the address.” This thought-provoking statement has struck a chord with many, leading to widespread discussions about justice, karma, and the complexities of human relationships.